UBCAni at Imagine Day 2013

The UBC Anime Club will have a designated booth at this year’s Imagine Day (September 3rd), an orientation event held here at UBC. Our booth’s hours are 1:30 to 5:00PM and is located on Main Mall in front of BUCH A. You are welcome to drop by to chat and ask questions about the club!

As a special activity at our booth, we will be holding a raffle prize draw! Everyone can participate and the winners will be contacted via email at the end of the day. Prizes include an assortment of anime posters and wallscrolls, and FREE membership for an entire year; make sure you get your ballots in by 5:00 to have a chance to win!

Website Maintenance

Our website has just been revamped and maintenance work will continue over the next few days. As such, there may be downtimes and site oddities from time to time; we thank you for your patience as we work towards improving the site!

Summer Showing #5: Week of July 28th

This week, we will be watching an insanely popular anime of this season, Free! After dinner break, we will return to one of our club’s classics: Gaming Night. It will be a fun night of Wii, PS3 and, of course, Mario Kart DS! Games present will include Rockband (PS3), Super Smash Bros Brawl (Wii), 007 Nightfire (Gamecube), and more. Feel free to bring multiplayer games that you would like to share, as well as your DS and Mario Kart! >> Read More

Summer Showing #5: Week of July 28th

This week we will be showing the beloved My Neighbour Totoro- an anime classic and one of the best known anime movies!

After dinner break, we will move onto the ever-popular Karaoke Night in BUCH A201! As usual, we’ll be using the queue system to make sure that everyone gets a fair chance at singing. All levels of experience are welcome! Need a partner for a duet? Try asking on our Facebook group; all of our members are friendly! >> Read More

Summer Showing #4: Week of July 21st

This week’s showing is a combination of a Theme Night and a Dinner Outing! This night is dedicated to several anime that are based off iconic video games: Pokemon Movie 4: Celebi – Voice of the Forest, Sonic X, and the Rockman.EXE movie!

At 7:00PM, immediately after the anime ends, we will all bus to Sanpachi Ramen on Broadway for a Friday night dinner outing. If it is more convenient for you, you may also meet us at 7:30PM at the restaurant. If you would like to attend, you must RSVP by Monday July 22nd 11:59PM either through the Facebook Event Page or by emailing us! >> Read More