Fall Season Anime Voting & Showing #4: Gaming Night

The time has come to vote for your favourite anime series from the fall season! The three most popular series will be shown for the rest of the first term; your choices directly decide what we’ll be watching! Please read the instructions on the voting page very carefully and note that only registered members of the club may vote.

Click here for our voting page – the deadline to get your vote in is Wednesday October 16th at 11:59 PM.

Following dinner break will be Gaming Night, an evening dedicated to video games. There will be a PS3 with Rock Band, a Wii with Super Smash Bros Brawl and Mario Kart, and a DDR machine set up with a variety of anime, Vocaloid, and classic arcade DDR songs! If you have a Nintendo DS, bring it to join in on our Multiplayer Mario Kart team, or bring your Pokemon team to scout out new friends to battle and trade with! The consoles are separated by room but you are encouraged to try everything!

Friday October 18th in BUCH A104

5:00 – 6:15 : Your Top 3 Voted Anime Series
6:15 – 7:00 : Dinner Break
7:00 – 10:00 : Gaming Night in BUCH A102, A103 and A104

Showing #3: Previews and Cosplay Workshop

This week we will wrap up our preview showings; voting will commence soon for which anime we should watch for the rest of term so this is your chance to scout out your choices! Your voting link will be emailed to you after Friday’s showing so please remember to check your email over the weekend and follow the proper instructions for voting.

Have you always wanted to get into cosplay, but didn’t know exactly where to start? Have no fear, for this week is our Cosplay Workshop.  Two veteran cosplayers and fellow club members, Yuu Takeru and Anaira Lin, will be sharing their insight on outfits, props, wigs, etiquette, etc. just in time for the Halloween Social!

Friday October 11th in BUCH A104

5:00 – 6:30 : Fall Season Anime Previews
6:30 – 7:00 : Dinner Break
7:00 – 8:00 : Cosplay Workshop
8:00 – 10:00 : Fall Season Anime Previews

Our next showing (Friday October 18th) will be a Gaming Night! All current and future events can be found on our Event Calendar.

Showing #2: Karaoke Night

This week, we will begin previewing the season’s new anime! We will spend this Friday and the next sampling several new series before sending out a survey to determine which anime we’ll follow for the rest of the term.

Warm up your vocal cords: this week’s activity is one of the club’s all-time favorites- Karaoke Night! To ensure that everyone gets a chance to sing, we will be using a simple queuing system on the chalkboard and limiting each person to one or two songs until everyone has had a turn. All skill levels are accepted; you do NOT need to be a professional to participate! Need a partner (or partners) to sing a certain song with you? Try asking on our Facebook Group!

Friday, October 4th in BUCH A104
5:00 – 6:30 : Fall Season Anime Previews
6:30 – 7:00 : Dinner Break
7:00 – 10:00 : Karaoke Night in BUCH A201

Showing #1: Movie and Gaming Night

Since the Fall season of anime hasn’t started airing yet, we’ll be watching a short movie: Millennium Actress!

After dinner break, join us again in Buchanan for Gaming Night, an evening dedicated to video games. There will be a PS3 with Rock Band, a Wii with Super Smash Bros Brawl and Mario Kart, and a DDR machine set up with a variety of anime, Vocaloid, and classic arcade DDR songs! If you have a Nintendo DS, bring it to join in on our Multiplayer Mario Kart game, or bring your Pokemon team to scout out new friends to battle and trade with! The consoles are separated by room but you are encouraged to try everything!

Friday, September 27th in BUCH A104
5:00 – 6:30 : Anime Movie: Sennen Joyuu (Millennium Actress)
6:30 – 7:00 : Dinner Break
7:00 – 10:00 : Gaming Night in A102, A103, A104

Our next showing (Friday October 4th) will be a Karaoke Night! All current and future events can be found on our Event Calendar.

Term 1 Art Contest: Anthropomorphism

Anthropomorphism is the theme of our first art contest and is defined as “attribution of human form or other characteristics to anything other than a human being”. Meaning, this art contest is centred around the idea of making non-human forms more human-like!

The rules for this art contest are simple:

  1. You may submit multiple entries.
  2. Entries can be any medium: Black-and-white, sketched, digital, etc.
  3. All submissions must be completely original. This means no content from any anime, manga or any other copyrighted material (i.e Gijinkas from Digimon, Pokemon, etc.)
  4. Entries can depict any object of your choice in human form (e.g. a cellphone shown as a girl), but it must be tasteful meaning no nudity, sexuality, gore, etc.

The winner will be decided based upon two criteria: Creative design and skill.

The deadline to submit is the showing on November 22nd. Submissions can be emailed directly to us at info@ubcani.com or given to us at any of our events until the deadline.

The UBC Anime Club executive team reserves all rights to disqualify submissions at their discretion if any of the above requirements are not met.

Clubs’ Days and Icebreaker 2013

We will have a booth at Clubs’ Days, an event held at the UBC SUB on September 17th, 19th, and 20th. This will be your first opportunity to purchase membership for the club! For our booth schedule and location, please see below:

Booth B4 in the SUB Partyroom
Tuesday (Sept 17th): 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Thursday (Sept 19th): 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Friday (Sept 20th): 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Every membership comes with a limited edition Yubi Shiani mascot pin! Come quick and get your membership; we only have a limited number of pins to give away!

Welcoming and Icebreaker

Come join us on September 20th from 6:00 to 10:00 PM in BUCH A201 to win some great prizes and meet fellow anime fans! 

Friday, September 20th in BUCH A201
6:00 – 6:15 : Welcoming
6:15 – 7:00 : Icebreaker Game: “I’ve got your back!”
7:00 – 7:15 : Membership Card Raffle Draws
7:00 – 8:00 : Anime Pictionary and Charades
8:00 – 10:00 : Anime Movie: Ookami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki

Our next showing (Friday September 27th) will be a Gaming Night! All current and future events can be found on our Event Calendar.