Term Two Art Contest: Shounen Jump

The theme for our second term art contest is Friendship! Effort! Victory! and Teamwork.

This is a multimedia contest: almost anything that relates to these four words is acceptable. Videos, images, music and other forms are art are welcome. If you are unsure about your submission, send us an email.

The rules:

  1. You must be a member for the 2014-2015 year.
  2. You may submit multiple entries.
  3. All submissions must be original. This means no content from any other artist, anime, manga, or any other copyrighted material. **We will accept AMVs (anime music videos) that use clips from anime this time, but you will assume all risk of copyright infringement. Please use a disclaimer.
  4. Entries must be tasteful – meaning no nudity, sexuality, gore, etc.
  5. You may use our mascots in your art entry if you wish.
  6. Maximum video time limit: 10 minutes
  7. Maximum word limit (writing submissions): drabbles or short stories preferred, no long multi-chapter pieces please!

The winner will be decided based upon two criteria: creative design and skill.

The deadline to submit is the showing on April 3 at 5pm (right before the showing). Submissions can be emailed directly to us at info@ubcani.com or given to us at any of our events until the deadline.

The UBC Anime Club executive team reserves all rights to disqualify submissions at their discretion if any of the above requirements are not met.

Good luck!


Our calendar has just been updated up to the end of February! Once the rest of the school year is finalized, they will also be added. Events are subject to change.

We are also announcing the date of our Valentine’s Social and Dance – it will be held at the UBC SUB Partyroom on Saturday, February 7th from 6pm – 10pm. The Facebook event is here.

A note that weekly updates on the website have been discontinued since last year. Updates are now mostly done through the weekly newsletters and Facebook; the website is now designated for more permanent posts. Consider subscribing to our newsletter (send us an email about it) or liking our Facebook page for updates instead!